The Challenge

  • Reduce time spent managing backups
  • Improve DR infrastructure
  • Needed a cost-effective cloud solution

The Solution

  • Reduced Recovery Time Objectives to minutes with Rubrik Livemounts
  • Elimination of secondary DR site
  • ‘Pay for use’ Opex model

The Results

  • 32% TCO Savings
  • 50% Data Center Reduction
  • 60% Time management savings

Since 1961, McCreary, Veselka, Bragg & Allen, P.C. (MVBA) have partnered with governmental entities throughout Texas to enhance their collection revenues. MVBA helps local governments retain previously lost revenue streams, making more funding available for communities for parks, roads and emergency services, reducing the need to raise taxes or fees.

MVBA provides services to over 40 counties all over the state of Texas. Mark Hahn, Chief Technology Architect, heads up MVBA’s busy IT department. “It is absolutely critical for our customers to have immediate access to data and resources whenever they need them making IT communications a vital component to our business” said Mark, “It is top priority for us to provide a high level of service and prior to us working with Assured DP, backups were taking up way too much of our time.”


Outdated technology meant Mark and his team spent so much of their time “babysitting” backups making this almost a full-time job.“With data constantly growing, backup management was quickly taking over our entire IT resource which with a small team just wasn’t a productive use of our time.”

Mark began to search for a new solution when he came across Rubrik through trusted IT partner Freeit. Impressed by the technology and what Rubrik was capable of, he knew the speed and ease of use of the platform would help free up the department’s time for more mission critical tasks.

“Overall we needed to protect over 100 VM’s on 4 physical hosts in two locations so in order for this to work we would have needed appliances at our primary and secondary site, but the cost was just too high.”

Freeit really wanted to help MVBA to get solution they wanted, which is why they introduced Assured DP. “I was initially sceptical to have another meeting thinking it would be a waste of my time” Mark continued, “but I’m extremely glad I went to that meeting.”


As an exclusive Rubrik MSP, Assured DP was able to offer Rubrik as a Service (RUaaS). With a fully managed Backup and Disaster Recovery solution available on an OpEx model, making Rubrik both operationally and financially viable for MVBA.

“The combination of Freeit’s 1st line support and endorsement, Rubrik’s technology and Assured’s experience and focus on service delivery made the decision easy. Assured could also match my on premises firewall in their hosted DR offering which made the remote recovery process even easier.”


MVBA were able to eliminate their second
site, which previously only served to be their failover for disaster recovery along with reducing the number of VMware ESX hosts required to run the business.“We have all of the benefits of a on premises Rubrik appliance but don’t have to own it, monitor it or maintain it. Assured DP does all of that for us.”


“Economically a capital expenditure of two instances of Rubrik was not in the budget. Assured’s ‘pay for use’ model made the numbers work.”


“We’re a small IT shop. Having Assured
DP there to monitor backups, alert on failures, assist on restores and deliver Disaster Recover as a Service (DRaaS) exponentially increases our service delivery capability with no increase in our department head count.”


“As well as eliminating our secondary DR site, we also reduced our hardware meaning our licensing costs went down too.”


“There is definitely un-tapped value in Rubrik that we want to access in the future. For example, NAS Direct Archive for our unstructured data and Test & Dev functionality for our data bases are areas that we know Rubrik/Assured can provide additional value for and we look forward to leveraging that in the future.”

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